A licensing scheme for private landlords is being introduced in Hackney. The scheme, known as Selective Licensing is to force rogue landlords to clean up their acts and reduce anti-social behaviour. The manager of Oakwood Estate Agents Andy Loizou tells us about the new scheme.
Selective licensing and Additional HMO Licensing become a legal requirement and which properties will be affected?
As of 1st October 2018, selective licensing for landlords has been in e ect in Hackney, however this will only run in three wards: Stoke Newington Ward, Cazenove Ward and Brownswood Ward. To check if your property is in any of these three wards you can use the map via the following link: www.hackney.gov.uk/constituencies-wards. If you are a landlord and are renting any size property within these three wards you will by law have to apply to Hackney Council for a licence under the new Selective Licensing rules.
However, additional HMO Licensing will run throughout the whole of Hackney. Therefore, if you have a property that is rented to three or more people that form two or more households, you will have to apply for an additional HMO License regardless of where your property is located in Hackney.
How much does a licence cost?
Additional HMO Licence: This applies to all privately rented properties occupied by three or more people making up two or more households, regardless of the number of storeys in the property and will cost £950.00. Selective Licensing: This applies to all privately rented properties occupied by a single person, two people or single household in the Brownswood, Cazenove and Stoke Newington wards and will cost £500.00
How do landlords apply for a licence?
Information on the Hackney Council website states that ‘If you’re a landlord and you need a licence under the selective or additional licensing schemes, you have from Tuesday 25th September to Sunday 2nd December to submit a licence application. We’ll be enforcing the schemes from Monday 3 December. We’ll continue enforcing the existing mandatory licensing scheme during this period.’ Once landlords commence with their application they will have to provide any info or certi cates that the council requires in order to be licensed.
Are any properties exempt?
If you have a property outside of these wards, you will be exempt unless you have a property rented or that will be rented and occupied by three or more people making up two or more households. In this situation, regardless of the number of storeys in the building, you will require an additional HMO Licence. Again, we must stress this applies to the whole of Hackney Borough and there are no exemptions from this.
What happens if you breach your licence?
If you don’t have a licence or are in breach, you could face a nancial penalty notice of up to £30,000 or an unlimited ne from the court. It’s important that landlords understand their legal obligations and the requirements they need to meet. More information can be downloaded via www.hackney. gov.uk/constituencies-wards. If you are currently a landlord or are thinking of renting out your property in the future, please contact our o ce. We can arrange a free no obligation valuation and can advise accordingly to ensure you understand all of your legal requirements.
oakwoodestateagents.com 020 7249 1000.