Keeping your youngsters safe as they explore a magical world online

New technologies are some of the main interest areas for children. The Internet is a necessity in our era most of the time, and its usage is increasing, including in children’s lives. However, while the internet can be a great resource, it is important that children and young people are protected from the risks they may encounter. We have listed a variety of institutions that can advise parents on how they can protect their children from the harmful side of the digital world while helping them to use the internet safely for education and enjoyment.


The UKCCIS is a group of more than 200 organisations drawn from across government, industry, law, academia and charity sectors that work in partnership to help keep children safe online. The Council was established in 2008 following a review by Professor Tanya Byron discussing, and taking action, on topical issues concerning children’s use of the internet.


The Office of the Children’s Commissioner promotes the rights, views and interests of children in policies or decisions affecting their lives. They particularly represent children who are vulnerable or who find it hard to make their views known. Office of the Children’s Commissioner is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Education
They launched social media giants’ terms and conditions ‘jargon-buster’ to give kids more power in digital world. Their ongoing work into the impact the internet has on children
in England began with the report ‘Growing Up Digital’, published in 2017. The report warned that many children were being to left to fend for themselves online and made a number of recommendations on how better equip children for the internet and social media.


The NSPCC charity fighting to end child abuse nationally. They offer parents information about internet safety issues such as cyber bullying and preventing online abuse and blackmail. The charity called for immediate action on online child safety last month.


ThinkUKnow is the education programme of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre aimed at young people. Its three main objectives are to show young people how to have fun, how to stay in control and how
to report a problem. Alongside the Thinkuknow website the programme provides educational resources, including films, cartoons and lesson plans, to help professionals raise young people’s awareness.


Parent Zone is the official parent representative organisation on the UK Council for Child Internet Safety. Online parenting organisation works with parents, schools and companies to make the internet work for families by offering expert advice and content. They create, curate and check the best available advice and information on all issues that are caused or amplified by the internet. Their mission is to improve outcomes for children in a digital world so they will be safer online, resilient enough to cope with the challenges of the online world and educated for a digital future.


Kidsmart is an online platform providing information and advice on online safety for parents and people who work with children. The site is part of Childnet International, a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.

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